
The registrar is Kymenlaakson Taksi Oy (1941760-7), Ruuvikatu 12, 48770 Kotka. Tel. 05 2307 180, The register name is the Customer Register of the Kymenlaakso Taxi Service. Personal data is collected to provide a service ordered by the customer in Kymenlaakso's Taxi service and to improve the quality of service and to manage and maintain customer relationship. The register stores user names, email addresses, phone numbers, and information about ordered journeys. In addition, the record can store the feedback information related to the operation of the service that is registered by the client. The information in the register is collected using the Kymenlaakso Taxi application. The information may be disclosed to the authority in accordance with current legislation. Kymenlaakson Taksi Oy has the right to use and disclose the information contained in the register for justified uses (such as direct marketing, distance selling and market research) in accordance with the Personal Data Act. The registrant may prohibit the use of his or her data for marketing purposes and market research by notifying the registrar. The details of the subscription ordered through the service are transmitted to the order center of Kymenlaakson Taksi Oy and to the taxis in the area. The information is transmitted only to the extent necessary to provide the service. The registration data will not be transferred outside the European Union or the European Economic Area. However, some of the servers used by the service may be located outside of them. Access to the registry information is only granted if it is necessary for the processing of data. Access to information is governed by access rights. The data subject has the right under Section 26 of the Personal Data Act to inspect what information about him has been stored in the personal register. A written and signed inspection request must be sent to: Kymenlaakson Taksi Oy Request for inspection / information about the person register / Kymenlaakson Taksi application Ruuvikatu 12 48770 Kotka